Sunday, January 3, 2016

Various translations from postcards

Once again kindly translated for us by
 - Here are snippets of postcards. As I write this, I have other matters to deal with, so I am cutting and pasting it quickly. I am very grateful to the translator and Katherine for making this possible. We are getting an unfolding picture of August as the young man missing home and maybe not the hardened soldier I first thought (Tim O) 

1st postcard - Transcript

Fröhliche Pfingsten (cont’d) wünscht Ihnen Ihr A. Storm.

Herrn H. Oestmann u Frau
Haus, 5 links

1st postcard - Translation

Merry Pentecost (cont’d) wishes you[1] your A. Storm.

Mr. H. Oestmann and wife
House no. 5, on the left


2nd postcard - Transcript

Freiburg Münsterportal
 Grus von der 13. Generalversammlung ? Bad. E.V, Freiburg,
Viele Grüße von hier sendet dir
dein August.

Frl. D. Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4
Neuhof Haus No. 5 l.

Freiburg (Breisgau)

2nd postcard - Translation

Many greetings from here sends you
your August.

Field postcard.
Mrs. D. Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4[3]
Neuhof, house no. 5, on the left[4]

[Stamp] Freiburg (Breisgau)[5]


3rd postcard - Transcript

Glückliche Fahrt in’s neue Jahr (cont’d) wünscht dir von Herzen
dein August
N. B.
Bin während ich diese Karte schreibe noch auf der Dahrt. Bin noch nicht in Frankfurt.
Halte dich auch im Neuen Jahre munter u gesund.
Frl. Dora Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg (Elbe) 4
Neuhof, Haus 5 l.

Rastatt 30.12.13 5-BN. 1

3rd postcard - Translation

A happy ride into the New Year (cont’d) wishes you, with all his heart,
your August.
N. B.[6]
I am still on my way while writing this postcard.  I still haven’t arrived in Frankfurt[7].
Keep yourself well and healthy in the New Year as well.

Mrs. Dora Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg (Elbe) 4
Neuhof, house no. 5, on the left

[Stamp] Rastatt[8] 30.12.13 5-BN. 1


4th postcard - Transcript

Glückliches Neues Jahr! (cont’d) wünscht dir dein August.
Füsl. [Füsilier] Irmer
Alfred Schäfer.
Chr. [Christian] Schön.

Frl. D. Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4

Rastatt 3??213 5-64 1

4th postcard - Translation

Happy New Year! (cont’d) wishes you your August.
Private Irmer
Alfred Schäfer.
Christian Schön.[9]

Mrs. Dora Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4
Neuhof, house no. 5, on the left

[Stamp] Rastatt 3??213 5-64 1


5th postcard - Transcript

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstage (cont’d) wünscht dir dein August.
Abs. [Absender] Füsilier Storm ??40 Rastatt.

Frl. Dora Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4
Neuhof, Haus No 5l

Rastatt ???

5th postcard - Translation

Happy birthday (cont’d) wishes you your August.

Sender: Private Storm ??40 Rastatt.

Mrs. Dora Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4
Neuhof, house no. 5, on the left

[Stamp] Rastatt ???


7th postcard - Transcript

Hannover. Schloß Herrenhausen.


Hanofer 29.12.13
Liebe Dora!
Habe die Elecktrische gut gekriegt, war schon um 12 Uhr auf dem Bahnhof hatte bis 12.40 Zeit. Warn um 4 ¾ Uhr in Hanover ist recht langweilig nach den vergnügten Stunden wollte du wärst hier. Also nochmals, Kopf hoch und nicht zurück sehen immer vorwärts dann werden wir schon singen wens noch so schlecht geht.
Dein August
Mit vielen Grüßn an dich und deine Eltern

Frl. D. Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4.
Neuhof, Haus 5l

Hannover 29.12.13 ?? 2

7th postcard - Translation

Hanover.[10] Herrenhausen Palace.[11]


Hanover, 29th of December 1913
Dear Dora!
I reached the electrical one well in time, I was at the train station at 12 already and had time until 12.40. We arrived in Hanover at 4.45; it’s quite boring after the merry hours; wish you were here. So, once again: cheer up and don’t look back, always forwards, then we’ll even sing no matter how badly we are doing.
Your August
With many greetings to you and your parents

Mrs. D. Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4
Neuhof, house no. 5, on the left

[Stamp] Hannover 29.12.13 ?? 2


10th postcard - Transcript

(cont’d) wünscht dir dein August.
Brief folgt.

Frl. Dora Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4.
Neuhof, Haus 5l

Rastatt 30.5.13 7-8?

10th postcard - Translation

(cont’d)[12] wishes you your August.
Letter will follow.

Mrs. Dora Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4
Neuhof, house no. 5, on the left

[Stamp] Rastatt 30.4.14 7-8?


11th postcard - Transcript

Rothenfels, 9.5.14.
Grüße und Küsse an Euch alle lieben sendet dir liebe Dora nebst Bubi und Eltern
dein August.

Hier im Schwarzwald ist es jetzt sehr schön.

Frl. Dora Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4.
Neuhof, Haus 5l

Rastatt 9.5.14 10??

11th postcard - Translation

Rothenfels[13], 9th of May 1914.
Greetings and kisses sends you, dear Dora, and Bubi[14] and parents
your August.

At the moment, it’s quite beautiful here in the Black Forest.

Mrs. Dora Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / Elbe 4
Neuhof, house no. 5, on the left

[Stamp] Rastatt 9.5.14 10??


Letter 2 envelope - Transcript

Frl. Dora Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / a.d.E.
Neuhof Haus 5.

Schräg die Briefmarke geklebt heißt ich liebe Dich. Wußtest Du das schon.

Rastatt 18.10.13 10-?N

Letter 2 envelope - Translation

Mrs. Dora Oestmann
Wilhelmsburg / at the Elbe
Neuhof, house no. 5

[in blue ink, between the lines of address] Gluing the stamp on slanted means I love you. Did you already know that.

[Stamp] Rastatt 18.10.13 10-?N

One-page letter - Transcript

Leb wohl mein Schatz.
Denk ein wenig an mich.
Meine Gedanken werden auch Schatz bei dir u Rudi sein
Dein dir bis in den Tod treuer August.
Grüß auch deine Eltern
Wirst wohl mit diesem Briefe auch den andern erhalten kanst ja an den Datum erkennen.

One-page letter - Translation

Farewell, my darling.
Think of me a bit.
My thoughts will be with you and Rudi[15], my darling.
Your August, faithful until death.
Do also greet your parents.
You may well receive the other letter with this one, you’ll be able to recognise it at the date.


Letter bits - Transcript

[1st bit]
denn ich
mich auch
so gern
n, von Eu-

[2nd bit]
Dir u klein Rudi gehört mein Herz sonst niemand auf der weiten Welt.

Letter bits - Translation

My heart belongs to you and little Rudi and no one else in the wide world.

[1] The “you“ is formal, probably due to the fact that August wrote to Dora’s parents.  
[2] It is utterly impossible to tell which Neuhof he means - there are dozens. See the next postcard for more info.
[3] A part of Hamburg, which is on the Elbe river.,_Hamburg
[4] I found an old article saying that Neuhof used to be a dwelling/settlement in the Wilhelmsburg area, now absorbed into Wilhelmsburg. The name has survived in street names like “Neuhöfer Straße”, which is around here:,9.9866249//@53.4710759,9.9717006,10z
[6] Nota bene
[7] Note that there are two Frankfurts; however, it is quite safe to say that he means Frankfurt/Main, not Frankfurt/Oder.
[9] Three fellow soldiers, I guess.
[12] I don’t have the front of the postcard available, so I cannot see what he wishes Dora.
[14] Term of endearment for a little boy (Bub), in this case Rudi/Rudolf.
[15] Short form of Rudolf